From the Techmeetup Google Group:
TechMeetup Glasgow is back TONIGHT on the 5th Floor of the School of Computing.Besides drinks, pizza, and a natter we’ve two great talks on offer:
Aileen HamiltonEncouraging school pupils to follow a career in the world of Technology.Daniel Livingstone and Andrew RichardsKhronos: Leading OpenGL, WebGL and many others.As ever, the event is free and no sign-up is necessary.
TechMeetup is made possible by the amazing financial support from the University of Glasgow, Neo, SkyScanner and small donations from community members. Thank you all.
See you TONIGHT at 6.30pm.
5th Floor
School of Computing
18 Lilybank Gardens
G12 8QQ
by Hillhead Underground
Glasgow WestendHere’s a Google Map to the venue.
For queries email Ijonas Kisselbach (
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Aileen Hamilton before at my induction to the STEM Ambassador program ( The program is important to help give pupils role models within STEM industries as well as knowledge of the industries. Often teachers do not have practical experience of what they are teaching in a real world environment; by giving teachers the resources to do this, we can help inspire the next generation of programmers, engineers, scientists, statisticians that will be joining our industries. It should be an interesting talk, and hopefully inspire more people to get involved.
As usual I will be hanging around afterwards to continue the discussions in Brel over a few beers.